NDA Waiver

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Increase Your Chance of Success

Many inventors would like to have the greatest chance of success with their invention. You can increase your chance of succees by increasing your marketing exposure.

How to increase your marketing exposure

When a company joins our network in order to receive new product ideas from InventionHome, we ask them all to sign a non-disclosure agreement (Confidentiality Agreement). Some of these companies will sign it and others will not. We leave it up to you as the inventor to decide whether we send your idea to ALL of our member companies that are a good fit for you, or just the companies who have agreed to sign the non-disclosure.

From our experience

  • Companies that choose NOT to sign the non-disclosure do not have ill intentions and are not trying to “steal ideas”. It is simply part of their corporate policy not to sign non-disclosure agreements.
  • If you decide that you would like your product to ONLY be sent to the companies that have signed the agreement, you are limiting your exposure to some degree.
  • We do not share your specific patent information with any companies regardless of whether or not they have signed the agreement. This information remains confidential.
  • More than 80 percent of InventionHome inventors decide to waive the non-disclosure agreement requirement to allow for maximum exposure of their product.

NDA WAIVER—Authorization

Please check the box below if you would like to maximize your marketing by waiving the non-disclosure agreement requirement.

If you would like to keep the confidentiality agreement in place (and be submitted to only those companies who have signed), then skip this section. You may return to it at a later time if you change your mind.

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